Blog by author blog

‘Breaking’ news on next-gen wireless technologies

Understanding the impact of next generation wireless technologies. How will CBRS, Wi-Fi 6/6E and 5G affect your business?

Implementation of Blockchain in Revolutionizing Waste Management

Blockchain is a decentralized system, which makes it an extraordinary technology, enabling governments to supervise all the waste management activities.

Does Your Business Need Rugged Mobile Devices

In our latest blog, we cover the signs that your business might be ready to purchase and implement rugged mobile devices.

The Benefit And Impact Of Big Data In Healthcare Industry

By Karen Smith, Content Manager at Hyperlink InfoSystem.

Big Data can be defined as a comprehensive collection of complex data, whether structured or unstructured.

Supply Chains Taking a Leap to Handle the COVID-19 Pandemic

It takes a lot of time to tweak the traditional methods of carrying out activities to match the new trends. However, the supply chain businesses successfully adopted strategies that worked in their favor.

The changing face of MPS

Front office Managed Print Services (MPS) is having to adapt because of hybrid working. Are similar changes taking place in back office MPS?

Logistics App Development: New-Found Potential

Logistics app development holds the potential to enhance your overall business experience. This blog contains the top benefits of building a logistics mobile application.

One Rugged Device:Long Term Industrial Connectivity

In our latest blog, we explore the operational benefits of rugged devices, their lifecycle, the benefits of regular software development and how return on investment (ROI) could be achieved for businesses battling post Covid-19 recovery.

Ensure Longevity Of Your Business With Logistics App Development

Today’s piece will take you through the basics about logistics application/s and provide a brief regarding their types and importance. Let’s get at that!

Adopting a hybrid approach to streaming analytics in manufacturing

Przemek Tomczak, SVP, IoT & Utilities at KX explores how adopting a hybrid approach to bridge the world of big and fast data in the manufacturing space will help organisations meet operational and commercial goals.

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