Blog by author CRusson

Caroline Russon

Caroline is currently Head of Marketing at Lytx (formally DriveCam), a global leader in delivering driver safety and compliance solutions, where she is responsible for marketing strategies, communications, implementation of design briefs and campaigns.

Why Telematics & CCTV are not delivering the insurance and collision reductions you expected.

For the first time in 17 years the UK witnessed a 6% increase in road casualties from 2013, reversing what has been a steady decline in road casualties since 1997.

How do you define 'behaviour'?

My colleagues and I recently sat down to discuss the true meaning of “behaviour” when applied to fleet drivers.

Fuelling the in-cab camera debate

In an effort to reduce fuel bills, many companies are installing video cameras in trucks. However, many fleet managers underestimate the operational burden that can follow the purchase of basic fleet tracking devices and in-vehicle ‘dash cams’.

The positive feedback loop

Some of the best coaches in the world help individuals learn more about their performance by using the latest video analysis technology to help analyse and improve the components that make up great performance.

Prevention is the Best Cure

Drivers of specialist vehicles are often highly experienced in what they do, but many common manoeuvres and driving practices become much more critical when operating larger, heavier vehicles.

The true cost of collisions to fleets

When a fleet driver is involved in a collision there are a number of inevitable and obvious costs that will be incurred.

Telematics only tells half the story when it comes to driver behaviour

Recently many telematics providers are repositioning their offerings to include driver behaviour monitoring – but this may not give the full picture when it comes to improving driver safety.

Editorial: +44 (0)1892 536363
Publisher: +44 (0)208 440 0372
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